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Monday, 31 October 2011

Game Tag

*ditag oleh Kim*

1. you must post these rules 
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal .
3. Answer the question tha tagger set for you in their post . And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer
4. You have to choose 11 people to tagge and link then on the post .
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6. no tag back!
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY , TRUST , WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people .

11 things about myself
1. Nama penuh Siti 'Aiisyah Gazali
2. Lahir pada 6 April 1993 (ingat birthday ni, and jangan lupa untuk bagi hadiah)
3. Suka warna biru (tapi barang tak banyak warna biru, banyak warna purple, hehe)
4. Minat sangat dengan sukan badminton (tak terror mainla, tapi kalau korang ajak main, memang nak main pun)
5. Student Economic and Management Sciences di CFS IIUM
6. Suka subject Mathematics
7. Minat cerita Cardcaptor Sakura
8. Minat Moon Ju Woon (cari kat google, dia ni pelakon Korea)
9. Suka baca novel English or Malay (romance jela, hehe)
10. Tak suka makan cheese
11. Nak jadi business woman (tak tahu nak jual apa.. Hoho)

Soalan Kim

1. korang comel tak ?
Comel ;p

2. suka keluar dengan sape ?
Suka keluar dengan kawan-kawan :)

3. selalunya kalau korang nak pergi mana2 , ape yg mesti dibawa ?
Handphone, dompet, earphone, jam tangan, handbag

4. sape yang korang paling sayang lpas Allah n Rasul
Mak and ayah

5. sekarang tengah buat ape ?
Tengah jawab soalan ;D

6. free tak nak jawab soalan ini ? 
Free (kalau tak free, tak jawab, hehe)

7. cinta kerana wang . ape pendapat korang ?
Tak best.

8. cemburu . best x ? jd orang yang dicemburu n orang yg cmburu ?
Saya seorang yang cemburu. Haha. Tapi takdela teruk sangat. Best tak? Tak tahu.. Huhuhu

9. kalau cuti minggu selalunya buat ape ?
Main laptop.. Facebook, Twitter, Blogging ;p

10. suka kawan yang mcm mne ?
Suka kawan yang suka mendengar cerita saya (sebab saya suka bercerita)

11. suka tak ditagged ?
Suka ;)

Soalan saya?
1. Best tak game ni?
2. Apa yang paling berharga bagi korang?
3. Movie paling best yang pernah korang tengok?
4. Hobi korang?
5. Pagi-pagi, korang selalu buat apa?
6. Hadiah paling best yang pernah korang dapat?
7. Apa cita-cita korang masa kecil dulu?
8. Kartun kegemaran?
9.Novel paling best?
10. Minat sukan? Sukan apa?
11. Perasaan korang bila jawab soalan ni?

Saya nak tag :

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Nak join, klik gambar


Cara nak join? Simple je:

1. Buat satu entry baru, copy header kat atas dan paste kat entry korang tu. Kemudian, linkkan ke post ini.

2. Salin tajuk ni, "SEGMEN NASZ : PERANG BLOGGER"

3. Korang tulislah kata-kata aluan untuk menyambut "serangan" yang bakal diterima.

4. Siap? Publishkan dan letakkan url entry korang tu kat kotak komen kat bawah.

Segmen ni ditutup pada 31hb Oktober 2011 jam 11.00 malam.

Kata-kata aluan untuk menyambut "serangan" yang bakal diterima : 
selamat datang. selamat meyerang. :D

Kalah Menang, Adat Permainan

Ok, bola Piala Malaysia dah habis Terengganu kalah and Negeri Sembilan menang.. Tahniah Negeri Sembilan.. Jangan putus asa Terengganu.. Takmo sedih-sedih,ok.. Goal Negeri tadi pun sebab Sharbinee terlepas bola.. Ramai pula orang nak salahkan dia.. Bukan salah dia pun.. Dia tak sengaja... Ish2.. Korang ni, tak baik tau.. Negeri Sembilan menang 2-1.. Ok, lagi sekali, tahniah.. :)

Walau apapun, korang Malaysia.. So, saya sokong dua-dua pasukan.. :p

Ok.. Tutup kisah bola... Kita cerita yang happy-happy pula, ok? Setelah dikalahkan dua kali berturu-turut dalam final (Japan Open and Denmark open), akhirnya Lee Chong Wei berjaya mengalahkan Chen Long di semi-final (French Open).. Chong Wei menang.. Excited ! 23-21, 17-21, 21-16.. Tahniah LEE CHONG WEI.. See you in final tomorrow.. :)



Tahniah and usaha lagi :D

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Habis Lagi

I had finished another book... So excited.. Hehe..

Saya ni, memang minat baca buku.. Jangan tak percaya, masa sekolah dulu, saya dapat sijil anugerah Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca (NILAM)... Fuyyoh ! Sijil NILAM.. Hehe.. Kepada mereka-mereka yang masih bersekolah tu, rajin-rajinla baca buku and tulis kat buku NILAM... Hahaha..

Ok, ni buku yang baru je habis baca tadi...

Mini Shopaholic <--- Klik kalau nak tahu sinopsis

Menangis baca buku ni.. Husband dia, best sangat hehe,, Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut, bacalah buku ni.. Hehehe..

Friday, 28 October 2011

Sabarlah Duhai Hati

Bersabarlah dengan setiap dugaan.. Sesungguhnya apa yang berlaku ada hikmahnya... ALLAH sayang kita.. Sebab tu ALLAH nak uji kita supaya kita sentiasa mengingati ALLAH.. Supaya kita sentiasa mengadu pada ALLAH..

Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami ! Janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir". (Al-Baqarah 2:286

Allah takkan bagi kita ujian yang tak dapat kita hadapi.. ALLAH tahu kita kuat.. Sebab tu dia bagi kita ujian macam tu...

So, perbanyakkan doa and bersabar.. InsyaALLAH.. Ada kebaikannya..


RESULT dah Keluar

Hello Readers !

Alhamdulillah.. My result dah keluar.. Keluar pagi tadi.. Tak yah tunggu pukul 3.00 petang pun.. Huhuhu

Mula-mula tu tak tahula.. Pastu tengok facebook.. Ramai my friends yang post kat status..


I suspect result dah keluarlah.. So, I tanya one of my friends.. Result dah keluar ke?? Dia cakap dah and dia dah tengok pun..

Gulp !

My English classmates.. Siapa EXIT??

Berdebar-debar.. Serious... Sakit perut.. Playing with the laptop.. Playing with the mouse.. Nak klik ke tak nak, nak klik ke tak nak.. I was nervous.. Really-really nervous...

My mom said tengok jela.. Kita tengok cepat or lambat, the result will still be the same.. In fact dia kata dia nak tolong tengokkan.. Hahaha..

Never mind, mom.. Biar kaklang tengok sendiri.. Huhu..

Last-last, tengok juga.. Alhamdulillah. Takde yang fail.. Semua lulus including my killer subject.. You know what is my killer subject?? COMPUTER andI do love this subject :D


Congratulations to all my friends :)

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Serious, Tension !



Tamparan yanh sangat kuat hinggap di pipi Aiisyah...

"Apasal ni, Aiisyah?? Sabar, sabar.. Istighfar.. Istighfar.."


Ok2... Dari pagi tadi saya tunggu.. Kata harini pukul 5 onward boleh tengok result exam... Puaslah menunggu.. Dah pukul 5.00, biasalah, ramai orang nak tengok.. refresh banyak kali.. Still tak dapat... Menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran.. Tiba-tiba, dapat mesej... Result exam ditunda pukul 3.00 petang esok... Ahhhhh... Tension.... Dahlah penat menunggu.. Ditambah lagi dengan perasaan yang berdebar-debar... Please, don't do this to me... Huhuhuhu.. Scary... Kalau tak dapat result langsung, boleh tak?? Hahaha... Harap-harap esok bolehla... Apa yang penting, korang-korang semua tolongla doakan kejayaan saya and kawan-kawan.. Amin..

Ok, sambung balik


Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tambah Aktiviti

Ok, tambah aktiviti sayauntuk cuti sem ni. Disebabkan saya telah join segmen kancil dan saya telah menceritakan pasal Sakura... Saya telah membuat keputusan nak tengok cerita Cardcaptor Sakura.. Hohohoho... Sangat rindu dengan cerita Sakura ni. Sakura merupakan cerita Anime yang paling best and yang paling saya suka..

Guys, jom tengok cerita Cardcaptor Sakura ! Best sangat... Walaupun dah pernah tengok masa zaman kanak-kanak.. Nak tengok lagi... Teringat zaman kanak-kanak ;)

Gulp ! Scary~

Gulp ! Scary~ Huhuhu... Kepada semua pembaca... Doakanlah kejayaan saya and rakan-rakan saya..

"Ya Allah, berikanlah kejayaan kepada kami di dunia dan di akhirat.. Mudah-mudahan kami mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang... Amin"


Nak join, klik gambar

  1. Letak header BENASHAARI.COM
  2. Tajuk : BEN ASHAARI DAN RAKAN BLOGGER , kemudian linkkan ke entri ini.
  3. Ceritakan serba sedikit mengenai blog anda dan kenapa anda berblog
  4. Siapakah idola di dunia blog ini ?
  5. Siap.. tinggalkan url entri anda di ruangan komen entri ini..

    Ceritakan serba sedikit mengenai blog saya

    Blog saya ni, kebanyakannya pasal aktiviti harian saya. Pasal diri saya sendiri, keluarga saya, dan kawan-kawan saya. Blog ni pun saya cerita pasal sukan. Terutama sekali badminton sebab saya die hard fan badminton.. Hehehe... Bola sepak pun ada juga.. Manchester United, Selangor, Terengganu, dan sebagainya.
    Blog saya ni pun, saya ada join segmen or contest. Kalau takde kerja.. Takde benda nak cerita kat blog ni, selalunya, saya hanya join segmen. Tu pun kalau rajinla.. Hehe

    Kenapa saya berblog

    Berblog untuk orang baca blog saya.. Hehe.. Seperti yang saya tulis tadi, blog saya ni saya menceritakan pasal diri, keluarga, dan rakan-rakan. So, kenangan saya bersama mereka tidak akan dilupakan. Bila saya baca balik entry-entry lama saya, saya akan teringat balik perkara-perkara yang berlaku bersama mereka.

    Siapakah idola di dunia blog ini?

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Contest Blog Paling Cute by FN ♥

*saya ditag oleh CikHoneyBee*

Nak join, klik paling cute


  • Follow blog ni dan Like page blog dekat sidebar blog ni ..
  •  Buat post bertajuk : Contest Blog Paling Cute by FN ♥
  • Letak banner di atas dan link banner ke entry ni ...
  • Tag 2 orang utk join contest ni ..
  • Letak link entry anda itu dalam ruangan comment post ni ..
Saya nak tag..

No Idea

Hello, Readers !

Seperti yang anda baca pada tajuk, "No Idea".

Apa yang takde idea, Aiisyah?? Sebenarnya, saya takde idea nak tulis apa kat blog ni. Dah takde cerita menarik nak dikongsikan. Kalau koorang perasan, semenjak du menjak ni, Aiisyah selalu je join segmen. Segmen, segmen, segmen. Huhuhu...

Yela, bila dah cuti sem selama tiga bulan, takde cerita yang menarik hendak dikongsikan. Tiap-tiap hari, buat benda yang sama, bangun pagi, main laptop, facebook, blogging.. Everyday macam ni. Kalau tiap-tiap hari saya buat aktiviti saya ni dekat every post in my blog, mesti korang bosan. Bukan korang je... Saya pun bosan juga.. Hahaha..

So, untuk menambahkan jumlah entry dekat blog saya ni, saya nak join segmen banyak-banyak.. Tambah kenalan blogger... Baca blog orang lain... At least, adalah juga aktiviti saya untuk blog ni.. Hehehe

Segmen Kancil8349 : Kartun Animasi Yang Paling Korang Suka

Nak join, klik kereta kancil

 Ceritakan dalam entri anda berdasarkan  : 
a) Nama Kartun Animasi tersebut
b) Mengapa anda minat kartun animasi tersebut
c) Mula minat pada tahun berapa (jika ada)
d) Watak paling best dalam kartun animasi yang korang suka
e) Letak apa - apa gambar mengenai kartun animasi korang suka (Satu pun sudah cukup)

5. Korang boleh letak seberapa banyak kartun animasi yang korang suka. Cuma, yang paling korang suka dan best letak kat no 1.

6. Selesai, korang kasi tinggalkan url korang kat ruangan komen. Kancil akan buat satu list entri khas untuk ini. 
7. Tarikh tutupnya : 26 hb Oktober 2011, 10 malam

Kartun animasi yang paling saya suka ----->>> Cardcaptor Sakura :D
Saya minat kartun animasi ni sebab semua watak-watak dalam cerita ni sangat comel. Cerita ni sangat best. Cerita Cardcaptor Sakura ni pasal Sakura yang kena tangkap kad-kad yang ada kuasa.
Mula minat pada tahun ----->>> Entah.. Tak ingat.. Yang pasti masa saya still sekolah rendah dulu... Dulu cerita ni kat ntv7.. Hari Sabtu.. Tiap-tiap pagi mesti tengok... Hehe..
Watak paling best dalam animasi yang saya suka ----->>> Sakura

Letak gambar (satu dah cukup) ----->>> Tapi nak letak banyak-banyak

Ok, sangat panjang... Saya hanya 'mencopy and paste'

Semua ni saya curi daripada mr wikipedia. Terserah nak baca atau tak nak...

Layan gambar je pun cukup..

Kinomoto Sakura
Sakura Kinomoto (木之本 桜 Kinomoto Sakura) is the eponymous heroine of Cardcaptor Sakura. Sakura is portrayed as a well-loved, cheerful, cute and at times an naïve ten-year old. Named after the Japanese word for "cherry blossom", Sakura is skilled in sports at school, being called the "best baton twirled in school" by her friends. However, she hates math and has an open fear of ghosts. Sakura maintains a crush on Yukito Tsukishiro for most of the manga and anime, but eventually develops similar feelings towards Syaoran Li after he confesses to her upon his own feelings. 

Clow Reed
Clow Reed (クロウ・リード Kurō Rīdo) is the magician who originally created the Clow Cards, and their magical guardians Cerberus and Yue. Born of an English father and a Chinese mother, Clow created a new type of magic that blended both Eastern and Western magical elements. His plan was to hand down the magic to people who would use and protect it while meeting all of the qualifications. However, few people could learn his brand of magic. The character of Clow is only seen in flash backs, as he has long been dead before the series starts. Few details are revealed about his character, personality, or life.
When Clow knew he was about to die, he chose his then unborn descendent, Sakura Kinomoto, to become the new guardian of the cards and the new master of Yue and Cerberus. Clow's magical ability allowed him to foresee most of the future and plan many of the situations that would enable Sakura to succeed in taking full possession of the Clow Cards. Likewise, he deliberately made the sealing wand pink, reflecting that its future user would be a young girl. He also split his soul into two reincarnations, Eriol Hiiragizawa who had all of his memories and magic he possessed, and Fujitaka Kinomoto, Sakura's father.


Keroberus (Kero true form)
Cerberus (ケルベロス Keroberus), nicknamed "Kero", is the appointed guardian of the book which holds the Clow Cards. He is one of two magical creatures created by Clow Reed along with the Clow Cards. Before his death, Clow appointed Kero as the one to select the potential candidate to be the next master of the cards, Cerberus himself, and his "brother" and fellow guardian, Yue. After Sakura accidentally releases the cards, Cerberus chooses her to be the candidate and teaches her the basics of capturing the cards. Throughout the series, he displays an extensive knowledge of mysticism. After Sakura passes the Final Judgment to become the Clow Cards master, Cerberus remains with her as a friend, companion, adviser, and protector when new threats appear.
Having spent a lengthy amount of time in the book while it was in Osaka, Cerberus speaks with a pointed Osakan-accent. He tends to be bossy, demanding, egotistical and gluttonous, but clearly displays his affection for Sakura, especially if she is hurt or in danger. He becomes very fond of video games, and is addicted to sweets. Cerberus spends most of his time in a "temporary" or "false form": a small figure resembling an orange stuffed animal with wings. Unlike Yue, Cerberus' magical powers are like the sun, and thus largely self-sustaining, and he is subsequently not as dependent on his master's power to support his life as is Yue. However, his master must have control of the Firey and Earthy cards in order to power his true form, a large-winged cat. 

Tomoyo Daidouji
Tomoyo Daidouji (大道寺 知世 Daidōji Tomoyo) is the best friend of the series' protagonist, Sakura Kinomoto, and her second cousin on their mothers' sides. The daughter of the president of Daidōji Toy Company, Sonomi Daidōji, Tomoyo lives a life of wealth and is watched over by a team of female bodyguards . She has access to a variety of prototype technological gadgets from her mother's company, and supplies Sakura and Cerberus with different communication devices throughout the series. She is depicted as being mature, kind-hearted, intelligent, and regularly speaking using more formal verb conjugations and expressions than normally seen in elementary students. She is a talented singer, and is shown performing in various school events.
When she learns of Sakura's new role as a Cardcaptor, she insists that Sakura must wear "special outfits" and begins providing Sakura with the various costumes she wears during her captures as well as accompanying her on missions to record the events with her video camera.

Toya Kinomoto
Toya Kinomoto (木之本 桃矢 Kinomoto Tōya) is Sakura's older brother. Though he teases her frequently, he cares a great deal for her and works to protect her. He is fully aware of what she is doing as a Cardcaptor, and regularly takes on several part-time jobs that put him in a position to be nearby when she is working on capturing a card. He also initially dislikes Syaoran, knowing that one day Syaoran will "take her away" from him. Toya possesses several magical powers, including the ability to see ghosts and other non-humans, the ability to sense when Sakura is in danger, and mild precognition. He has a close relationship with his friend Yukito, despite knowing he is the alter-ego of Yue. To save them both, he eventually gives all of his magical powers to Yue, making him promise to protect Sakura in his stead as well as himself (and, by extension, Yukito).

Shouran Li
Syaoran Li (李 小狼 Ri Shaoran) is a distant relative of Clow Reed, the creator of the Clow Cards. As such, he believes that he should be the one to inherit the Clow Cards and tries to capture the cards for himself. As the series progresses, Syaoran comes to respect Sakura and becomes her friend and ally. He eventually falls in love with her, though she is slow to realize it due to her own feelings for Yukito.
In the anime, Syaoran begins to fall in love with Sakura and his feelings beoame apparent at the beginning of the third season. In the manga, Syaoran begins to develop feelings for Sakura around the time of the Erase card's capture. After Yukito rejects Sakura's feelings, Syaoran comforts her and Sakura slowly reciprocates his feelings. Near the second-half of the series, Syaoran confesses his feelings to Sakura. With Sakura now undisputed master of the cards, he decides to return to Hong Kong. At the end of the series, he returns from Hong Kong a few months later to reunite with Sakura. In the anime adaptation, Syaoran manages to catch several cards by playing a major role in helping Sakura seal them. He is allowed to attempt the final judgment but fails. Sakura also does not return his feelings in the initial anime but does confess at the end of the second film.

Yukito Tsukishiro
Yukito Tsukishiro (月城 雪兎 Tsukishiro Yukito) (nicknamed 'Yuki' by Toya, and 'Yuki-usagi' by Kerberus) is the close friend of Sakura's older brother, Toya, and the human alter-ego of the Clow Card guardian, Yue.Though he is certainly Yue's temporary form, he is referenced several times by other characters (including Eriol and Yue himself) as being simultaneously a completely separate "heart" from Yue's. As Yukito, he displays a kind and gentle nature, and at the start of the series, Sakura has a crush on him. When she eventually confesses her feelings, he gently rejects her noting that the one he "likes best" is Toya. For most of the series, Yukito is unaware of Yue's existence, though he maintains an enormous appetite for food in an unconscious attempt to give Yue power. Yue's existence is revealed to the other characters after all of the Clow Cards are collected, and Toya states he knew of Yue's existence all along and was just waiting for Yukito to notice himself. Once Sakura collects all of the cards, Yue begins needing greater power as her magic isn't strong enough to sustain him. Subconsciously, Yukito begins eating even more to try to compensate, but it is not enough and he starts sleeping constantly, even while standing, and eventually finds his body fading away altogether. Once Toya gives his magical energy to Yue to sustain them, Yukito begins to grow aware of Yue's existence and that the grandparents he thought he lived with didn't exist. It is suggested that he came into existence shortly before he met Toya, to be near the future new guardian of the Clow Cards.

Yue (Chinese PinyinYuè) is the one of two Guardians of the Clow Cards, along with Cerberus. His name, which is written in katakana rather than hiragana is the Mandarin Chinese word for "moon". Where Cerebus is the elector of the new Clow Card Master, Yue is the judge who is allowed to test the candidate for their worthiness. He spends most of the series in his temporary form,Yukito Tsukishiro, who initially has no memory or knowledge of his other self. Unlike Cerberus, Yue's powers are heavily dependent on the power of his master. Sakura's power is not yet strong enough to sustain him after he awakens, particularly after she begins transforming the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. Yue's growing need for power is reflected in Yukito's ravenous appetite, and later constant sleeping. Similarly, the deficit effects Yue himself in instances such as the blatant failure of his magic which causes he and Sakura to fall out of the sky during one of Eriol's synthesized 'situations'. Eventually, Sakura's brother Toya reveals that he knows Yue and Yukito are not human and gives his power to Yue to sustain his existence so he does not lose Yukito.
Though he is not human, he has the appearance of a beautiful young man with long, silver, braided hair, silver-purple cat like eyes, and a pair of white angel wings which he uses for flight. He is also considered a genderless creation of Clow Reed, same as Ruby Moon. His personality is depicted as more serious and aloof than Yukito's, and while Yukito is fond of Sakura, Yue is reluctant to accept her. As the series progress, he comes to respond to Sakura's request that rather than being his master, she just wants to be his friend. Yue has jurisdiction over the elements wind and water, though he is stated by Cerberus to have control over other cards, including the Wood.

Kaho Mizuki
Kaho Mizuki (観月 歌帆 Mizuki Kaho) is a shrine maiden and the daughter of the priest at the Tsukimine Shrine. She first appears in the series as a new substitute teacher at Tomoeda Elementary School for the math class of Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li. While Sakura instantly likes the teacher and feels a connection with her, Syaoran is distrustful and believes she is up to no good.
When Sakura, Syaoran, Meiling and Tomoyo are trapped by the Maze card, Kaho uses a mysterious bell to break through Maze's walls allowing Sakura to capture it. After this incident, the readers learn that Sakura's older brother Toya dated Kaho when she was his junior high school teacher and that they broke up when Kaho left to study in England. Before she left, she told them that when they met again, they would be in love with different people which he acknowledges is now true.
After meeting her, Cerberus incorrectly believes that Kaho is the false form of his fellow guardian Yue, which is later shown to actually be Yukito Tsukishiro. Kaho's role is to use the bell left at her family's shrine to give Sakura another chance when she is unable to defeat Yue out of fear of hurting him. The bell changes Sakura's staff into a new staff containing her own power of the stars and gives her the power to use the cards to defeat Yue. After fulfilling this duty, she returns to England. During the third season of the series, she is primarily "seen" through providing a steady, but oftentimes enigmatic exchange of letters with Sakura over the mysterious attacks. After Eriol Hiiragizawa reveals the truth behind the attacks, they learn that Kaho had met Eriol three years before Sakura discovered the Book of the Clow. As they leave for England, Kaho and Eriol confirm their feelings for one another and vow to remain together. In the anime, Kaho is last seen in the second film expressing concern for Sakura and her friends due to the incidents with the final card.

Eriol Hiiragizawa
Eriol Hiiragizawa (柊沢 エリオル Hīragizawa Erioru) is the principal antagonist in the second half of the series, commonly called the Master of the Clow arc. The reincarnation of Clow Reed, Eriol has both Clow's memories and all of his magic power. He has a magical staff similar to Clow Reed's, can restrain Clow's creations Yue and Cerberus, and has created his own similar pair of guardians:Ruby Moon and Spinel Sun. He moves from England to transfer to Tomoeda Elementary school after Sakura Kinomoto passed the Last Judgement and became the official master of the cards. He is depicted as a quiet, mature boy while at school, though he also shows a mischievous side when he regularly joins classmate Takashi Yamazaki in weaving complex lies about the history of objects, places, and events. While seeming a normal student to Sakura, Syaoran Li is suspicious of him, mainly due to that Eriol is overly nice to Sakura which makes Syaoran jealous. It is soon shown that Yue and Cerberus are able to detect his magical signature as being Clow's, and Eriol must erase Yue's memories after he is accidentally seen by him.
Eriol came to Japan in order to aid Sakura and force her to use her own magical powers to convert the Clow Cards into Sakura cards. This is necessary as the cards take their magical energy from their master, but until Sakura converted them, they could not use her magic and were slowly dying. The guardian Yue also was suffering the same fate, forcing Sakura's brother to "feed" him all of his magical power to prevent Yue, and his false form Yukito, from dying.
Sakura does not become aware that Eriol is causing all of the magical disasters that are forcing her to convert the cards until near the end of the series when Eriol reveals himself to her. He puts the city to sleep and challenges Sakura to convert the last two cards, the Dark and the Light, which must be changed together. After Sakura successfully does so, he then tells her that she is now more powerful than Clow Reed and asks her to perform one final task for him: to divide his own magical power between himself and her father Fujitaka—the other reincarnation of Clow Reed—so that Eriol will no longer be the most powerful magician in the world. He then takes Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Yue, and Cerberus to his home where he explains why he had to give her a reason to convert the cards, as her doing so without a need could have been dangerous for Sakura.
Eriol's true age is unknown, as he used his magic to halt his aging process to remain the same physical age as Sakura. He is romantically involved with Kaho Mizuki, whom he originally sent from England to aid Sakura in the Final Judgment and who offers Sakura support through letters during the second arc.


Spinel Sun (Spinel true form)
Spinel Sun (スピネル・サン Supineru San) is the cat-like magical guardian created by Eriol Hiiragizawa as a counter part to Clow Reed's original guardian Kerberus. Spinel Sun's true form is a butterfly-winged black panther, while his false form is similar to a small winged cat. Nicknamed Suppi by Ruby Moon, Spinel Sun spends most of his time reading and projects a calm demeanor. Ruby Moon often teases him that he needs to have more fun. During the series, he mostly remains out of sight of the main characters, except when he once runs into Cerberus in his false form (though this encounter is exclusive to the anime). Fortunately for him, Cerberus doesn't suspect anything and instead declares him a monster and feeds him sweets, not realizing that the sweets would turn Spinel Sun into a hyperactive eating machine. Cerberus does not learn his true identity until just before the final battle where the two cats face one another. Initially, Spinel Sun appears to have the upper hand, however Cerberus' greater determination to protect Sakura enables him to defeat him.

Nakuru Akizuki

Ruby Moon
Ruby Moon (ルビー・ムーン Rubī Mūn) is one of two magical guardians created by Eriol Hiiragizawa. The counterpart to the original guardian, Yue When Eriol transfers to Tomoeda Elementary, Ruby Moon created a false form named Nakuru Akizuki (秋月 奈久留 Akizuki Nakuru) and enrolls in Seijou High School, entering the same class as Toya Kinomoto, Sakura's brother, and Yukito Tsukishiro, the false form of Yue who is unaware of his true nature. As Akizuki, she acts as a general annoyance, deliberately interfering every time Toya tries to talk to Yukito about the latter's dwindling energy. She claims she wants to consume Toya's energy herself, though it is never stated that she actually has a need for it nor why she couldn't simply steal it. When Toya is finally able to speak with Yue and give him all of his magical energy to sustain Yue's life, Akizuki gives up her pursuit, though she expresses great contempt at Yue's survival. In the final battle, Ruby Moon battles Yue and initially appears to be winning. However, Yue is able to get past her due to his greater determination and desire to protect Sakura.

Fujitaka Kinomoto
Fujitaka Kinomoto (木之本 藤隆 Kinomoto Fujitaka) is the father of titular character, Sakura Kinomoto, and a reincarnation of the Clow Cards' creator, Clow Reed. A busy professor of archaeology at Towa University, Fujitaka is a kind and caring father. He met his late wife Nadeshiko while doing his first year as a teacher at her high school. Nadeshiko had climbed a tree to return a baby bird to its nest, but fell out of the tree, landing on Fujitaka. Upon seeing her, he stated that "an angel has fallen from the sky." They fell in love and married when she was sixteen. Though Nadeshiko died seven years before the start of the series, Fujitaka is shown to still be very much in love with her and devoted to her memory. He keeps a picture of her in the dining room, changing it each morning.
Little is initially said about Fujitaka's family or past. During the second half of the series, it is revealed that when Clow Reed divided his soul (seeking to no longer be the most powerful magician in the world), he split it into two halves. One of these halves became Eriol Hiiragizawa, holding all of Clow's magic and memories, and the other being Fujitaka, who has no magic of his own, but fathered the one who would inherit the cards. It is stated that Fujitaka has no magical powers of his own, but he is also unaffected by other Clow's magic, such as the Eriol's sleep spell. At the end of the series, Eriol gives half of his magic to Fujitaka. This enables Fujitaka to finally see the spirit of Nadeshiko, who has been watching over her family since her death.

Meiling Li
Meiling Li (李 苺鈴 Ri MeirinChinese PinyinLǐ Méilíng) is a character that appears only in the anime adaptation of Cardcaptor Sakura. Introduced in episode 20, she is Syaoran Li's cousin and self-proclaimed fiancée. As children living in Hong Kong, they both trained in martial arts under the tutelage of Wang Wei. One night her pet bird escaped from his cage, and the normally quiet and withdrawn Syaoran told her not to cry, then left. After spending hours in the rain, he returned with the bird and Meiling was both grateful and touched. From that day, she devoted herself to him, eventually declaring that she liked him above all others and, reasoning that he liked her as well, she declared them to be engaged. At the same time, she promised that if he ever found someone he liked more than her, she would call the engagement off.
In coming to Tokyo, Meiling intends to help Syaoran gather the Clow Cards, and actively dislikes Sakura. As the series progresses, Meiling develops a grudging respect for Sakura that turns into a good friendship by the time Meiling returns to Hong Kong in episode 43. During her initial visit, Meiling seemed to recognize that Syaoran was falling in love with Sakura, but it wasn't until she briefly returned in episode 60 that she fully acknowledges and accepts Sakura as the person Syaoran loves. Wanting to keep his promise, Syaoran attempts to tell her that he loves Sakura, but Meiling interrupts and tells him that she knows because he is now calling Sakura by her first name, something he only does for his sisters and herself. She smiles at Syaoran with tears in her eyes and declares that the engagement is called off, then quickly leaves. Meiling spends the night at Tomoyo Daidōji's house to release all of her sadness through much screaming and tears without burdening Syaoran. At the end of the episode, Meiling returns home and is not seen again in the main series. She returns in the second movie, with Syaoran, and together with Tomoyo tries to help Sakura confess her own feelings to him.
Unlike Syaoran, Meiling has no magical abilities, relying solely on her physical fighting abilities and a healthy dose of pride. Her lack of powers, however, results in her hindering more than helping Syaoran in most battles against the cards. She challenges The Fight card in episode 20, and was nearly badly wounded and had to be rescued by Syaoran. Recognizing that she was being a burden, Meiling grew upset and lashed out at Syaoran. However, she was then able to be an aid to him while fighting The Twin card, as their years of practicing martial arts together enables them to match the card's synchronized fighting style.

Sonomi Daidouji
Sonomi Daidouji (大道寺 園美 Daidōji Sonomi) is the mother of titular character Sakura's best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and the first cousin of Sakura's late mother Nadeshiko Kinomoto. She is rarely seen in the series, but is said to be a wealthy woman and the President of a large toy corporation. She greatly loved her cousin Nadeshiko, and disapproved of her marriage to Fujitaka, later blaming Fujitaka for Nadeshiko's death at a young age. During the marriage, it is implied that Nadeshiko was at least partially cut off from her family. Sonomi has Tomoyo keep her hair long because it reminds her of Nadeshiko.
After meeting Sakura for the first time, Sonomi realizes that Nadeshiko had lived a happy life and is able to come to terms with the marriage. At times, she still treats Fujitaka as a "rival" competing to love Sakura more, but she also helps him pass on gifts from Sakura to her grandfather and to arrange for Sakura to meet her great-grandfather while on a family vacation. Sonomi shows great affection for Sakura, wanting to join her and Tomoyo whenever Sakura comes over to visit.

Yoshiyuki Tereda
Yoshiyuki Terada (寺田 良幸 Terada Yoshiyuki) is a teacher at Tomoeda Elementary School. During the series, as the main characters go through fourth grade, and enter the fifth grade, he acts as their home room teacher. He is also shown teaching in other classes, including the physical education classes, and he acts as the chaperon on several school field trips. As the series progresses, it is revealed that he is having a romantic relationship with his student Rika Sasaki.  Rika gives him a teddy bear she made and named after herself, which legends says will allow them to remain in love forever. Towards the end of the series, when Sakura is unsure of her feelings about Li, the couple is shown having a picnic at a park, with Terada slipping away so Sakura doesn't notice him. During the series, none of the other characters appear to know about the relationship, though when Rika is taken over by the Sword card, Sakura hears her call out "Sensei" (teacher) when she uses the illusion card to show Rika her most beloved.
In the anime adaptation, their relationship is not shown in the same light. Their engagement and more romantic scenes between them are removed, and Rika notes that Terada reminds her of her absentee father. Terada is also shown accepting cakes made by Rika and in accepting the bear and naming it after his "hardest working student." In the Cardcaptors English dub, he is simply calledMr. Terada, and all aspects of the romantic relationship between Terada and Rika are completely removed, with Rika's shyness and reactions to him made to appear to be more of a general fear of men than romantic feelings.

Rika Sasaki
Rika Sasaki (佐々木 利佳 Sasaki Rika) is a classmate and friend of titular character Sakura Kinomoto. She is considered to be very elegant and mature for her age, though she can also be shy. During the series, she is also shown to be a skilled cook and very good at crafts. During the series, Rika is affected by the Clow Cards several times. Early in the series, she buys a brooch that is actually The Sword card. The card takes her over and causes her to attack Sakura. Sakura is able to stop Rika by using The Illusion card to show her an image of her beloved, allowing Sakura to capture the card. During the second half of the series, she is nearly drowned during a magical trial Eriol Hiiragizawa created to cause Sakura to convert a Clow Card to Sakura Card.
During the series, Rika is shown to be in a romantic relationship with her teacher Yoshiyuki Terada. In the manga series, they are engaged to be married when she is old enough, and they frequently spend time alone together on "dates." In the anime adaptation, the engagement is removed as are many of their dates, however they are still shown to have affection for one another. Rika gives Terada the hand-made teddy bear she made, and he names it after her. In both the manga and anime, when Sakura uses the Illusion card to stop Rika's attacks, she calls the image "Sensei" which means "teacher" in Japanese. During the final judgment when Yue shows Sakura a world where everyone has lost their feelings for the one they love the most, Rika is shown handing Terada a paper without her usual blush and shy look.

Sinopsis : 

Cardcaptor Sakura begins when ten-year-old fourth grader Sakura Kinomoto accidentally releases a set of magical cards called Clow Cards from the Clow Book, created and named after half-English, half-Chinese sorcerer Clow Reed. Each card has its own personality and characteristics and can assume alternate forms when activated. The guardian Beast of the Seal Cerberus emerges from the book and tells her it is now her responsibility to retrieve the missing cards. As she finds each card, she battles its magical personification and defeats it to seal it away. Cerberus acts as her guide, while her best friend and second cousin Tomoyo Daidouji films her exploits and provides her with battle costumes. Sakura's older brother Toya Kinomoto watches over her, while pretending that he is unaware of what is going on.
A boy Sakura's age and descendant of Clow Reed, Syaoran Li, arrives from Hong Kong to recapture the cards himself. Their relationship is rocky, because he believes that he deserves the cards more than Sakura. However, he comes to respect Sakura and instead begins aiding her as he spends time with her. Once Sakura captures all the cards, she undergoes the Final Judgment, presided over by Yue, the cards' second guardian, who tests Sakura to determine if she is worthy of becoming the cards' true master. Yue is the true form of Yukito Tsukishiro, Sakura's crush and her brother's best friend. Sakura is aided by her teacher Kaho Mizuki, who was sent by Clow to ensure Sakura is able to pass the test, because he chose Sakura to be the cards' new master when he knew he was going to die. Sakura passes the test and becomes the new master of the Clow Cards.
Life for Sakura is initially peaceful until a boy Sakura's age, Eriol Hiiragizawa, transfers from England, which coincides with new disturbances occurring in Tomoeda. Suddenly unable to use the Clow Cards, Sakura transforms her wand and creates a new incantation, which can transform a Clow Card into a Sakura Card. As strange events continue, Sakura gradually transforms each card into a Sakura Card, unaware the events are being caused by Eriol and two guardian-like creatures, Spinel Sun and Ruby Moon. Yue begins to grow weaker, because he requires magical support from Sakura, but her magic is not yet strong enough to sustain him. Toya gives all of his magical abilities to Yue in order to ensure Yukito does not die. Sakura eventually deals with the pain of Yukito's gentle rejection of her feelings, as he instead loves Toya. Syaoran consoles Sakura, while finding himself falling in love with her, but is unsure of how to tell her.
When only the Light and Dark Cards remain to be converted, which must be done together, Eriol reveals to Sakura he was behind all the strange events. After the cards are transformed, Eriol explains that he is half of the reincarnation of Clow Reed, with Sakura's father being the other half. Eriol, who has Clow's memories and magical abilities, aided Sakura in converting the cards so they would not lose their powers. Before returning to England, Eriol asks Sakura to split his magic between himself and her father, so that he will no longer be the most powerful magician in the world. Afterwards, Syaoran confesses his love to Sakura, but she is unsure how to respond. Sakura is hurt and upset when he tells her he is returning to Hong Kong, and comes to realize she loves him too after talking with her friends. She rushes home to make a teddy bear for him and confesses to him as he leaves for the airport and he promises to return when he has taken care of some things. Two years later, Syaoran moves back to Tomoeda permanently. They embrace and Sakura happily exclaims that they will be "together forever."
The plot of the anime series is extended, featuring 52 Clow Cards from the manga's original 19, and certain scenes are stretched and delayed, such as Cerberus' true form not being revealed until just before Yue's appearance. Sakura creates a 53rd card, Hope, a talent she is not shown to have in the manga. Some of the circumstances around the capturing of the cards is changed, such as Syaoran capturing several cards himself and being tested by Yue in the Final Judgment. Syaoran's cousin and fiancee Meiling Li is introduced in the anime, who positions herself as a romantic rival for Sakura later in the series. The role of Sakura's father as the second half of Clow's reincarnation and the splitting of Eriol's magic is removed from the ending. The TV series leaves the relationship between Sakura and Syaoran unresolved, but Sakura confesses her love to Syaoran at the end of the second anime film.

p'\/s : Segmen ini membuatkan saya nak tengok Cardcaptor Sakura lagi.
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